First, we create a schedule based on your availability, the content we need to cover, and your goals.
Example goals:
You want to get the best score possible on your AP exam.
You want to sink your teeth into the subject through supplemental materials like podcasts, documentaries, current events, etc.
You want to relate to the subject through your unique interests and background.
You want to catch up in a course where you are falling behind.
You want to develop your executive functioning skills so you can succeed academically on your own.
You want to identify the obstacles on your path toward success and implement strategies to remove them.
You want to be able to talk confidently about what you know.
Next, we design a regimen with a holistic approach based on those goals, as well as your specific learning style.
Finally, we match you with the best subject matter expert tutor to meet your needs and begin our journey together to ace those exams!